Northern California Coastal Region
From First Aid/AED/CPR training and bloodborne pathogens training to swimming, lifeguarding, and babysitter training, the American Red Cross trains thousands of residents within the Northern California Coastal Region each year in lifesaving skills through community and workplace courses offered. Click the link above to see a full list of certification and training classes offered in your area
Request Replacement Certificate: If you have misplaced your American Red Cross certificate and wish to receive a replacement, please contact the American Red Cross Training Service Center 1-800-733-2767 or support@redcrosstraining.org.
Community Preparedness Training
Do you know what to do in an earthquake? How will you reconnect with your family following a major disaster? Do you have the right items in your disaster kit?
Count on the American Red Cross for the best training on how to be safe in, on and around the water! Explore the exciting new collection of courses designed to make learning easier and to help you benefit from the latest research on instructional techniques.
Certified Nurse Assistant Training
The 171 hour American Red Cross Nurse Assistant Training course trains students to provide quality care to residents in nursing homes.
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